Loan Check List
- Last 3 Years ITRS along with schedules. Corporate and Individuals.
- KYC's :Pan Card, Adhar Card, Ration Card, latest House Tax bills and Power Bills
- Last 6 Months bank statements of all the accounts of the firm.
- Last 6 Vat returns.
- If Salaried Joining Letter and Employment ID and HR information
- Salaried Last 3yers Foam 16 and last 6 pay slips
- Advance tax receipts if any. OR if any Loans up to date tracks and sanction letters.
- If Proprietor (Pan Card of the prop)
- If Partnership (Pan Card of the firm and all the partners along with all the partnership deeds)
- If a Pvt Ltd Company (Pan Card of the firm and all the directors along with MOA and AOA, along with board resolution and latest list of directors)
- Property documents (Along with latest tax receipts and approved plan. Property document to be with all the link documents)
- EC for the last 30 years.
- Latest electricity and telephone bills of office and residence.
- Upfront PF of what so ever PF agreed for.
- Working capital data as below:
Months Sales ,Purchases Debtors,Latest 3 Stock Inventory